Dutch man has fathered 45 girls and 35 boys in nine years

To help childless women become mothers, a 42-year-old Dutch man launched a free “baby making” service nine years ago. He connects with childless women through German website Spermaspender.de.

Ed Houben stayed a virgin till the age of 34. 

The man had 45 girls and 35 boys in nine years. His children are spread all over the globe — Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain,Belgium, France and New Zealand.

He had s*x with 15 women every month, and has fathered 82 children so far. 

He usually waits for women to come to him at his home in Maastricht, but makes exceptions if the women pay for his travelling expenses and accommodation, the Daily Mail reported.

He said he began donating sperm to local clinics. But later he found there was a market for procreation “the natural way”.

All women must submit medical records showing they are disease and drug free. [source]
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