What’s that weird feeling one gets when a part of body “falls asleep”?


No wonder, we all have experienced that weird sensation when we have slept on the arm, smacked the elbow or left legs crossed for too long. That is caused by sustained pressure to the nerves. (gif: source)

The technical term for this pins and needles feeling or of a limb "falling asleep" is ‘Paresthesia’. (source)
Paresthesia is typically fleeting, but if it lasts a long time or occurs frequently a medical condition is likely to blame. A less well-known but still fairly common paresthesia is formication. Now what's that?

Formication: A sensation that exactly resembles that of small insects crawling on (or under) the skin. /*Quite a mouthful huh... but creepy though!*/

In rare cases of formication, individuals become convinced that the sensation they are suffering is due to the presence of real insects on or under the skin. Of course, they become delusional. They believe that their skin is inhabited by, or under attack by, small insects or similar parasites, despite repeated reassurances from physicians, pest control experts, and entomologists. (source)

Here's is an interesting video that gives you an insight on what happens when your arm falls asleep?

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