Best purple foods for good health that make you look younger!

Wondering how to look younger naturally? 
Then start having purple food.

Why only Purple?: Purple foods have a pigment called anthocyanin. This is a strong and antioxidant, which is said to reduce the risk of cancer.
Purple foods are perhaps most significant as it is a fact that darker the food, the higher the antioxidant level. And yes, it’s also the antioxidants that can help you look younger and prevent the cell damage.

How does purple food benefit us?
As per data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES), in a survey on eating and health, it was seen that adults who eat purple and blue fruits and vegetables are less likely to be overweight.
Such individuals have low HDL cholesterol and a reduced risk for high blood pressure.

What they are:
Eggplant, Purple grapes, figs, plums, dark cherries, raisins, purple cabbage are all candidates.
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