Epic group photo moment in music industry featuring over 200 hip hop artists

These historical photographs taken by Gordon Parks, the legendary, 84-year-old photojournalist who directed the films Shaft and The Learning Tree represents the rare epic moment when over 200 greatest hip-hop artists clustered at same location in person to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Art Kane’s famous photo of jazz greats in A Great Day in Harlem. This was the endeavor of hip hop magazine XXL.

This historic photo was captured on September 29, 1998.

There were some key artists that were not present. But with so many that were there, it was hard to be distraught about those who weren’t there.

Lauryn Hill arrived 10 minutes after the shot was taken and was very disappointed. Ras Krauss from Los Angeles was too late and even, asked if there was some way he could be superimposed into the shot. [source]
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